Making yourself and your business a priority without overwhelm – Emily Rogers

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How can you create consistency in your business and commit to all the daunting tasks when so much is happening in your life?  

Emily Rogers shares the shifts she has made to grow her business, without sacrificing her well-being and her family time. 

She has become a pro at managing her time effectively and being intentional about her quality time with her loved ones. She only works the necessary hours and spends most of her time with her girls. 

When things are aligned with who I am and my strengths, everything grows with more ease. 

Since she has pivoted her business, defined a clear strategy and committed to implementing it consistently, she has seen her business and revenue grow year after year.  

Emily Rogers is an award-winning transition and leadership coach and the founder of the Leap to Lead. She helps women who want to take the next step in their career, or their lives gain clarity and put in place an action plan to make it happen. She also works with organizations who want to turn their employees into true leaders that will move the organization forward. 

What you will learn:

  • The real reason why creating consistency in the business is so hard 
  • The key foundations to be effective in business without sacrificing other life priorities 
  • The necessary shift to reduce overwhelm through a new learning curve

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[00:00:00] Amel Derragui: The time is now. Episode

[00:00:02] Amel Derragui: 308 comes down to values and empowering ourselves by living up to our values to really make things happen for ourselves, the way that we dream of them happening and want them to happen.

[00:00:15] Amel Derragui: Welcome to the Time Is Now the podcast show designed to take action and stay on top of the game to make a bigger impact with your business while creating more freedom and purpose in your life.

[00:00:27] Amel Derragui: This is your host, Amel Derragui. As your business and marketing coach, I am here to help you get the clarity and the action plan. You need to position yourself as the go-to expert in your field and grow a business that is aligned with your needs. This is your time to create more growth, alignment, and impact in your business.

[00:00:50] Amel Derragui: And today we are going to talk about how to stay committed to your business and how to find the time to juggle all the tasks in your business, even when [00:01:00] live keeps throwing at you. Many, many different things on top of the day-to-day life that is so busy and hectic. Especially when being a mom and um, and having children.

[00:01:10] Amel Derragui: I guess that adds another layer to many of the other things that happens in life. And to talk about this episode and this topic, I brought to you a guest that I've been thinking about every single time that somebody was telling me, oh, I'm struggling to make the time. And I was like, oh my God. I wonder what Emily would say.

[00:01:26] Amel Derragui: So I can't wait to welcome here. Emily. Roger. Emily, are you ready for this

[00:01:31] Emily Rogers: ride? Absolutely. Thank you Amel. Emily is

[00:01:35] Amel Derragui: a repeat guest on this podcast show. I love this because we can get to actually follow your journey since the beginning through this episode, and I love to keep following your growth here.

[00:01:45] Amel Derragui: So thank you for being here. A few words about Emily. Emily's an award-winning transition and leadership coach. She helps women who want to. Take the next step in their career and their lives gain

clarity and put in place the action plan to make it happen. And she [00:02:00] also works with organizations who want to turn their employees into true leaders and that will move the organization forward.

[00:02:06] Amel Derragui: So Emily. Again, welcome to this episode and to this podcast. The time is now for probably the fourth time now. It is amazing to have you again, for those of you listening and you want to follow the journey of Emily, I've listed all the episodes of Emily in the show notes of this episode so that if you're really interested in following the track of a person who's on the journey of.

[00:02:32] Amel Derragui: Not even having a business yet, starting the business, pivoting, growing, evolving. And you've said it, Emily, it's all about this personal growth on top of the business growth. Um, but you've been, uh, in, I think, yeah, you started. By trying to find your business idea in 2018, if I remember

[00:02:51] Emily Rogers: it well, yes. The very first business idea accelerator.

[00:02:54] Emily Rogers: Yeah, exactly. That you ran. Other than that, exactly

[00:02:57] Amel Derragui: the first cohort. So you've been part of this [00:03:00] first program, then you launched your business, then in around 2000, 21, 22, you've re pivoted your business 'cause you've been growing and you realize you can do more and, and you've completely PO pivoted the business and today.

[00:03:14] Amel Derragui: You have this business that you have, but throughout this journey I was very privileged to follow your steps and to follow your growth. And the one thing I've noticed about you that is very difficult for many people to do is, um, this commitment to actually making the time to do all those tasks that are not the most sexy tasks that we have.

[00:03:38] Amel Derragui: But you have been committed to it, and I'm wondering. Basically, I asked you to come here to tell us what is working for you and how are you managing to juggling it all. Because the other thing that has been impacting me watching you is your commitment to quality time with your family. So this was a non-negotiable for you.

[00:03:55] Amel Derragui: You've always told me that. So, so that we can [00:04:00] explain a little bit, uh, we get to your tips in your, your ways of how it works for you. Tell us a little bit about how is your business looking like today? What are the different activities you have in your business today? So

[00:04:13] Emily Rogers: I started with a very, um, finite focus, which was expat parenting abroad, supporting families, moving countries.

[00:04:21] Emily Rogers: Today with the lead to lead, I am a transitional leadership coach, so I work with. Women on an individual level, um, who are transitioning through life, through careers, um, starting their own businesses, whatever they wanna do. But I'm still working with organizations who are moving people as well. So, um, I've kept that sort of old hat stuff that I used to do in my HR career as well as what I started doing my business.

[00:04:46] Emily Rogers: So that's the leadership coaching, the transition coaching for companies as well as the individual piece. So. The business has really evolved around, I guess, what are the key strings to my own bow that I, [00:05:00] I, I play well. And so it's investing the time and energy in that. And when I pivoted my business within six months, I had 86% growth in revenue.

[00:05:11] Emily Rogers: So it just showed me that once I was aligned with who I am and where my strengths lie. Things become more natural, more easier. They, they generate faster. They, they, they grow faster. And so when I, when you can live with that alignment, then you're not banging your head against a brick wall all the time.

[00:05:32] Emily Rogers: It, it doesn't all feel hard all the time, even if it is the unsexy, you know, must do stuff, you're. It, it flows easier when you are working in alignment. So I, in terms of how I set myself up, I have the work I do with the individual clients, I have the work I do with companies, and then I have the work that I have to do sort of on the business as well in terms of the content and all the rest of it.

[00:05:58] Emily Rogers: So if you look at my [00:06:00] diary, you'll see it's color coded. I learned from an amazing business coach. I color code my diary so I can see. When am I spending time with my family? When am I spending time on myself? When am I spending time working with the individual piece of my business? When am I spending time working with the companies?

[00:06:19] Emily Rogers: Where am I building in my marketing plan? Where am I building in the, the monthly reporting to know what's working, what's not working? And so I, I do structure my diary according to that. And I used to just, you know, when you're starting out, you, you desperate for a client. You take anyone at any. Point based on what they, they want to do or what suits them.

[00:06:42] Emily Rogers: Whereas now I'm, I'm more in tune with what works for me. I say, well actually these are the days that I am open for appointments.

Which time suits you better? Mm-Hmm. Rather than being dictated to, but other people's time and energy. I'm setting my diary up. In line with my own time [00:07:00] and energy, so I know I'm a morning person.

[00:07:02] Emily Rogers: If I can get all my things done in the morning, then the afternoon time, I can do some reading. I can do some things that don't require the same mental energy because I. I then need to get myself ready for the girls as well, but now teenage girls, if you've been watching my journey. So, you know, there's other things that I then have to get myself ready for in the afternoon.

[00:07:25] Emily Rogers: So I, I've become very clear about when I'm exercising, when I'm spending time with the family, when I'm working on, on the business, in the business, all those bits and pieces. And I make sure, and I color coded it so I can look at it and see that it's balanced as well. So many

[00:07:41] Amel Derragui: aspects. I wanted to unpack here about how you described what you're doing, and I want to refer back for those you're listening, uh, to the episode I did about the importance of.

[00:07:52] Amel Derragui: All about time management as well. We'll link it to this. Um, maybe how to make the time for your marketing. That's the episode. Yeah. And the [00:08:00] key thing that I was sharing there is to make your business a priority, but most importantly, to see yourself as a business and not just as a service provider. And one of the things you said is like.

[00:08:12] Amel Derragui: I used to just take whatever came to me because I was hustling. But from the moment I took myself seriously, I would say to my client, this is the time that I have. These are the slots that I have. Which one works for you? That's a whole different

[00:08:26] Emily Rogers: place of empowerment and, and having that mindset shift, I mean, initially those slots weren't full.

[00:08:34] Emily Rogers: I just chose what suited me better. Now I've got full control. I've got full empowerment and I do make exceptions. Don't get me wrong, I do make exceptions. We all do at some point, but it's about being clear what are my boundaries and which, um, am I prepared to cross and which of I prepared to, you know, negotiate a little on, but knowing what works.

[00:08:56] Emily Rogers: There was a point where I went on a retreat with other business [00:09:00] owners and. Every other woman there was burnt out. They were angry, they were resentful of their clients. They were resentful of

what they were doing. And it was at a time of a huge amount of pressure for me personally, because my business wasn't where I wanted it to be.

[00:09:14] Emily Rogers: And my husband was wanting me to look at going back to a corporate role. And I remember, I think I said it to you at the time of Mel, I'm not building this business to feel like that at the end of the day, putting these other women in terms of reference for those listening. I may as well go and get that corporate job and have that secure income, um, and, and appease what my husband wants.

[00:09:37] Emily Rogers: And, and I'm not doing this to end up burnt out, angry, resentful. And it was a moment, I, I think you said your words might've been along the lines of, make the choice for yourself now. I was like, okay, this is completely in my power. So what is important to me, and I think at that point [00:10:00] I did a bit of soul searching in terms of my values, and two of them are actually in your intro.

[00:10:04] Emily Rogers: Family freedom, growth and impact are my values. And if they're, if that's what's important to me, family freedom, growth and impact, then how do I need to work? What does that gonna look like? So I'm not. Burnt out, angry and resentful, and I'm not sitting in a corporate role, and I'm not dissing corporate roles.

[00:10:24] Emily Rogers: It's just not my choice. It's not what I want for myself. And so if I'm gonna have this business, if I'm going to show up and serve my clients and serve my family in the way that I want to, what is that gonna look like for me? So that I'm fit, I'm healthy, I'm living the life, my life the way I want to, and it's not just giving it all away.

[00:10:46] Emily Rogers: And so it was. That, that looking at other people, it was that moment of you saying it's a choice and then stepping back to say, okay, these are my values. How is it gonna work for me? Making those deliberate [00:11:00] decisions around it. And if this is my revenue goal, then where's it gonna come from? How's it, what's the balance gonna be to be able to achieve

[00:11:07] Amel Derragui: that?

[00:11:07] Amel Derragui: And I wanna unpack this whole thing about values, because I think this is the central piece at the end of the day that usually we don't hear about when we talk about. Managing our time and making our priorities happen. But you also talked about something that I think, uh, we should not underestimate is the importance for you to make time for your also your self-care.

[00:11:26] Amel Derragui: So basically it's about your family, it's about your business, but also your own wellbeing, which is also central to your process. Yes. So what has helped you make the transition and make that a priority was to be very clear about your values. Yes. So how did you get to that point? How do you

[00:11:41] Emily Rogers: do that?

[00:11:41] Emily Rogers: Whenever I'm facing a challenge, I approach it in the same way I hold it lightly in my mind. And this, when I was talking about the past year's, been a lot of personal growth. Um, not being woowoo, but a lot of spiritual growth as well, and, and really tuning into myself and what's important to me. I hold those questions in my mind.

[00:11:58] Emily Rogers: I then go for a walk. No [00:12:00] phones, no distractions, just me and the dog, and. In the sunshine, you know, acknowledging what's around me, the Fantas that dance, by what? What are they signifying? The pheasants that walk past me. What's that signifying? And then tuning into that and understanding that, okay, my family are everything, but I can't serve my family if I'm not serving myself.

[00:12:25] Emily Rogers: So I need the freedom to be able to do these things, but I can't have a business that's successful without growth and impact because. If I'm not growing, my clients aren't growing and I can't have impact if I'm not serving other people. So for me, it came probably quite quickly through that process of it.

[00:12:45] Emily Rogers: If this is the, if these are the choices I'm making, if these are the decisions I'm making and I'm looking up behind my screen, 'cause I've got them, I'm officially on my wall. So, you know, if these are the choices I'm making and these are the things that are important to me, then what do I need to do differently?

[00:12:58] Emily Rogers: And I didn't rush into [00:13:00] anything. Um, I've only just, I. 16 weeks ago, I'm four months in, um, found the right exercise program for myself that involves weight training and flexibility training. And, and, but I can do it at home, but I've still got a community. So, you know, it's, it's finding the, the, the. My mom's word, mechanisms that make it work for me as well.

[00:13:21] Emily Rogers: So once you know your values and what it is you want and, and you're clear about how you wanna go about it, finding the right things that then fall into place to make it work for you as well, and not just

joining a gym because that's what everyone else does, finding the one that works best for me. I think it's a

[00:13:37] Amel Derragui: lot what I'm hearing here about knowing why you're doing what you're doing and knowing why this is important to you.

[00:13:45] Amel Derragui: Yes, and I think we tend to forget that, although it sounds very obvious, but we do tend to forget that time matters because time is connected to habits, and habits is connected to identity, and your habits actually tell you who you are. [00:14:00] So this is why I think it's important to see if we're connected with our habits, is what we truly want illustrated and through our day-to-Day habits.

[00:14:10] Amel Derragui: And I think this is. The key to being, to awareness and then to making that transition. What is it that makes it so hard when we are in transition to, to implement those changes and how can we actually make them

[00:14:24] Emily Rogers: happen? And I think when you said it there, it's about being clear about what you want and going for, why don't we do it?

[00:14:31] Emily Rogers: Because women predominantly. Don't allow ourselves to, if we start to think about ourselves, we feel guilty or we doubt that we are capable or good enough, and so we get in this negative spiral that we don't even realize is happening to us. And if I think about the clients I work with, you know, when I empower 'em to say, look, it's a, it's a choice for you, same as you did for me.

[00:14:53] Emily Rogers: I empower them with the question, it's a cho a statement, it's a choice for you. What do you want? Oh, I can. [00:15:00] I can, I can. I can have what I want. I can go after what I want. It too often, it's the guilt and the doubt that that become the barrier that stop us from having it. So I think for me, you know, I said this last 12 months, there's been a lot about personal growth.

[00:15:15] Emily Rogers: Stepping into that and really owning it as well, you know? I haven't been meek and mild. Don't get me wrong, I haven't been, you know, hiding in the shadows. I'm just ready for so much more, and. I know how I wanna have that now, and I know what that looks like for me. Now. Unfortunately,

[00:15:33] Amel Derragui: those listeners cannot see you right now, but I'm seeing you lighten up.

[00:15:37] Amel Derragui: Right? And your, your whole body language is excited and I could see for me, that's when you actually embody that like vision that yes, you want to bring to reality and that matters. The thing that I see a lot, especially with women, but in general people, is when, even when we know what we want. We tend to fear that we will fail [00:16:00] and therefore don't allow ourselves to fully allow ourselves to believe that we can do it and actually be full on into the vision and the goal we wanna achieve.

[00:16:10] Amel Derragui: Yeah. So how can we deal with that fear of failing, that fear of disappointing ourselves, and therefore not fully committing and not fully allowing ourselves to say it out loud? This is the big goal I wanna achieve.

[00:16:24] Emily Rogers: If I think about my own journey, if I think about what I encourage my clients to do, it's about writing it down.

[00:16:30] Emily Rogers: It's about visualizing it. It's about. Finding images. I mean, as I said, I've got my values up here behind my computer because, not because I, I can't remember them, but because every time I, you know, you glance up to think about something, it's visually there in front of me, and there's something that happens in the brain when you write things down, when you make it visual for yourself, that forms a different connection.

[00:16:52] Emily Rogers: That forms a different permission for yourself to then say, okay, so I mean, if. [00:17:00] If I go back to, to October last year, we were coming into the final, I'm in New Zealand, so we're coming into the end of the school year, the final term, it's an eight and a half week term, and I knew at the end of the term we were going away for three weeks, um, holiday over Christmas, and then my mom was coming for three weeks.

[00:17:19] Emily Rogers: And so with family as my, you know, number one value, I knew there was a lot that was gonna be required of me. Um, in those November, December, January, February, next three, four months. And so I made a decision at the start of the term to batch all of my marketing content through to the middle of February.

[00:17:41] Emily Rogers: And once, once I made the decision, right, well, how, what's the flow gonna be? What's the top, what's the themes gonna be? What, how am I gonna tease that through? And what I do, um, is I. I write a blog post. I started blogging, um, when I started my business and then I, in [00:18:00] 2020, um, started reading my blog as a podcast.

[00:18:03] Emily Rogers: So I have both the blog and the podcast. It's exactly the same content. You're not missing anything if you're tuning into one or the

other, but I work out. What's the flow gonna be? What's the theme gonna be? Then I have a, a templates for writing it for the social media, for the, um, captions I wanna generate.

[00:18:22] Emily Rogers: It's all, it's all templated for me. The newsletters that go out, everything's templated. So in three weeks, I did four months worth of work. I also had my mammogram and my annual checkup with my doctor and my dental appointment. And so the, those last four weeks of the term when the school says, oh, by the way, your daughter's getting an award in the assembly, oh, and by the way, could you come and bring something for morning tea?

[00:18:44] Emily Rogers: And by the way, I could show up and be there for my girls and catch up with friends for a walk before Christmas and go and have a coffee with someone I haven't seen for a long time. 'cause I had freedom in the craziest, busiest time of year. [00:19:00] To do the things that were important to me. And so going into the summer, I took my notebook with me, but I actually didn't have to work because it was done.

[00:19:09] Emily Rogers: It was more thinking about inspiration for the year ahead and thinking about what is it gonna look like for me coming back? What, what things do I wanna share, what I wanna wanna talk about with my audience, going into that next phase, rather than having to work during that time. I did have some client meetings, you know, in there as well, but again, it was around my diary and what I had prioritized.

[00:19:31] Emily Rogers: Does that help? Sort of,

[00:19:33] Amel Derragui: absolutely. And if I have to summarize, I hope that those who are listening are seeing what I'm seeing for me, ultimately is about taking control. So getting first clarity of our big why. Why we are doing this, what are the values we attached to it, and allowing ourselves to actually want it and not just want it halfway but full.

[00:19:53] Amel Derragui: Fully. Yes, yes. And then taking control of your time. But why is it so hard for most [00:20:00] people you think, to actually take control of your time and say, alright, this is what I will have coming in the next four months. And for that, for what needs to happen. I'm gonna just batch everything I have to do right now and commit to it.

[00:20:12] Amel Derragui: What makes it so hard and how did you manage to actually do it?

[00:20:18] Emily Rogers: And again, I'm a, I'm a mom of teenage girls, so I'm at the school gate. If I'm talking to other people and I say, oh, you know how, how are you? Oh, I'm so busy. I mean, I look at these people, I think, are you freaking kidding me? Like, I, I'm not, I'm not dissing them in any way.

[00:20:35] Emily Rogers: But think about what you're saying when you're saying, I'm so busy. Are you really? Are you. Really busy? Or are you just filling your diary because it makes it feel important? Are you doing the things that are, are meaningful to you? Are you choosing the things that are going to serve your family, gonna serve yourself, gonna serve your career or your business or whatever you are working on?

[00:20:59] Emily Rogers: What, what [00:21:00] choices are you making? I think what's preventing people from actually owning that control is getting caught literally on that. Wheel of life, and I'm just so busy. Are you really? And if you, if you look at your diary, if you take your time back, if you look at where your time and energy is going, and energy is so important as the physical time.

[00:21:24] Emily Rogers: I think you touched on this earlier, knowing your energy, knowing what works for you, um, and saying, well, okay, well my energy's best here. What do I need to be doing when my energy's at its highest? What should I be doing when my energies at its lowest? And so, yeah, I've got a lot going on, but I'm not, oh my God, I'm so busy.

[00:21:45] Emily Rogers: I can still make time for that important phone call. I can still make time to hear my girls when they want to share something. I can make time for the dog. When the dog's wanting a cuddle like you are not push, push, push, push, push all the time because you're making the [00:22:00] choice. So I think the control. The barrier to control is filling our time with stuff rather than knowing what it is that we really want.

[00:22:11] Emily Rogers: Amen. I love that.

[00:22:12] Amel Derragui: And again, it's all about taking yourself seriously. You are committed to your business, you're committed to your family, first of all, and yeah, for your family, you are actually doing all these things as well. Yes. Right? Yes. And I, I remember that you've been telling me as well that for you, the way you show up in your business matters to you also because you want to be an example for your daughters of how they're making themselves a priorities themselves.

[00:22:36] Amel Derragui: About that importance of actually just taking yourself seriously and committing to making it happen

u for that to happen. So what are the things you need to change? You needed to change for that to be able to be possible?

[00:22:55] Emily Rogers: I have been working with the girls for them to be a little bit more independent so they, they [00:23:00] have jobs around the house as well.

[00:23:02] Emily Rogers: It's not me doing the laundry, it's not me. Um, you know, washing all the dishes that they have, their jobs as well. That we are a team. We work together. Um, we make family choices. So, uh, post-Christmas, we're not playing into, we, we, my eldest Jessica is not playing into club tennis because it becomes a whole family commitment.

[00:23:24] Emily Rogers: And we've made the choice, actually, we'd like to visit some features, we'd like to do some other things. So opening the conversation for what do we want as a family. How does that fit with my husband's a hotelier, so he's got crazy work, um, commitments, you know, with what they wanna do with school, with what I want to do with my business and for myself.

[00:23:48] Emily Rogers: We have family discussions about, well, where does that sit? If this is our commitments for this term, can we do it all? Do we have to drop something? And it becomes a we conversation because [00:24:00] it's not just about me carrying the load, it's about us as a family. What does it look like? And I think that was the hardest thing for me to do, was to share the ownership for us running as a family.

[00:24:14] Emily Rogers: 'cause and, and all the women I work with are the same. We try to do everything. We try to carry that load for everyone. And if you try and do it all without sharing it, even if practically you end up doing a lot of it, if you're not talking about it as a, we. Then you are owning all of it for yourself and it's not gonna benefit you or your family in the long run.

[00:24:39] Emily Rogers: So we have conversations now where, okay, pat, my hands, life skills girls come together, we're gonna talk about how to hang up washing. You need to shake it out. You need to like, it's just we, we coming together as a family. We're having those conversations a lot more quickly now, and it's because I've made the choice.

[00:24:59] Emily Rogers: To [00:25:00] share more and not own everything. And that's really, really hard to do. Really hard to do.

[00:25:06] Amel Derragui: It is very hard. And again, you committed to it and you didn't let it go until it was natural and much easier I guess. Now. Um, yeah. The other thing I think, and tell me what you, if you experienced that, but one of the things that I know slow people down and make them feel overwhelmed is.

[00:25:25] Amel Derragui: The daunting tasks of the unknown. Do you see what I'm talking about?

[00:25:33] Amel Derragui: Especially for instance, when we're just starting out, our marketing, for example, and we're not used to it. So there is a learning curve. So how do you integrate that in making the decision and being effective? You seem to be very productive and effective, but sometimes we can't, what we don't know yet how much time things take or, or it takes us much longer as we are not yet used to certain things.

[00:25:54] Amel Derragui: Yeah.

[00:25:54] Emily Rogers: Um, I love trying new things [00:26:00] and I acknowledge right now I don't always get it right. Um, I think. I think accepting that you can't do everything perfectly upfront is really, really key. Um, and if I tried to make everything perfect, I still wouldn't have an email list. I still wouldn't be sending out a newsletter.

[00:26:22] Emily Rogers: I still wouldn't have a website. I still wouldn't, like if you, if I, if I tried to make everything perfect, I wouldn't get anywhere. And so a large part of how I become productive is to say, is it gonna share a message? Is it gonna speak to someone? If it does tick, tick, let's go. I don't have to fine tune the language.

[00:26:44] Emily Rogers: I don't. Is my social media the best ever? Absolutely not. Is it the most on trend? No. Um, I, I, I just, I can't keep up with every trend. It's not, it's not who I am, but does it speak to my audience [00:27:00] in a way that makes sense for them? If you try and perfect everything. Before you do it, you'll never get anywhere if you just have a go, see if it works.

[00:27:09] Emily Rogers: Okay. No, I made a mistake there. Try this. Oh, that did work. Yay. Let's try this. You know, just experimenting, playing. Everything I do is, is self-taught or work working with UML. Um, but I, I haven't got a, a va I'm not working with any marketing firm. I've, I've done my own website. You know, you can do it for yourself.

[00:27:31] Emily Rogers: Easily. You don't have to wait until you've got the money to invest. You don't have to wait for the time to be right. The time is now. You don't have to wait for it to be perfect.

[00:27:41] Amel Derragui: Definitely you can

[00:27:42] Emily Rogers: just get going and, and learn as you go and learn as you grow. I love it.

[00:27:48] Amel Derragui: Oh my God. Okay, so one of the things you said right in the get go is the will to experiment and to be okay with things to not be perfect.

[00:27:57] Amel Derragui: And then if they don't work, to not get [00:28:00] attached to that because that's the other thing, we get disappointed and then we memorize in our body that feeling of disappointment or that thing didn't work, which makes us. Procrastinate or not take action for the next thing to experiment. Yeah. When we realize that experimenting big part of it is to actually fail, and that's okay to even experiment once again, and I think that energy that we lose comes from the resistance more from the action of doing it.

[00:28:30] Amel Derragui: Do you see what I'm trying to

[00:28:31] Emily Rogers: say? And, and you know, we talked about it before. What prevents women from owning what they really want? Fear of failure. If we are constantly coming in up against that fear of failure and then something doesn't work well, that's just proof is what we tell ourselves. No, it's not.

[00:28:46] Emily Rogers: It's just not right this time. Try it again. Try it differently. Change something. I mean, if you go and look at my social media, it's not amazing. But it's consistent and it sends a message, and [00:29:00] I get feedback from people who then end up working with me. So it is connecting. It doesn't have to be whizzbang, it doesn't have to be the best ever.

[00:29:10] Emily Rogers: It's just gotta be your, and probably this is really important, authentic voice. I love it.

[00:29:16] Amel Derragui: I love it. And I can hear your passion, your voice when you say that. And the key thing here for me, and that's the reason why I actually thought about you, is your commitment to consistency. From the first day we work together, you've always been consistent, even through the learning curve.

[00:29:33] Amel Derragui: And your marketing is like. Always consistent. As you said, it's not always perfect, but perfection is not the one or the other. Post is the consistency of the messaging throughout the time, right? Yes. So this is the key here. So how much time, give us a bit of a rundown. How much time do you spend in your marketing per week?

[00:29:56] Emily Rogers: Um, I don't do it on a weekly basis. Um, 'cause I do the batching, [00:30:00] um.

[00:30:00] Amel Derragui: Batching, just to explain for those who don't know, batching is this method that's all about, you know, blocking a certain time in the month, for instance, to create multiple pieces of marketing content for the next coming weeks or months.

[00:30:14] Amel Derragui: So that's something that I'm passionate about as well. And um, yeah, just in case people don't know about it, it's not obvious for everybody. But you do batch.

[00:30:21] Emily Rogers: So continue. I do batch and, and the content for our week. So my blog post, which is the same as my podcast, I just have to read it. Um. Doing that, doing the social media, doing the newsletter, it's probably a two hour exercise.

[00:30:37] Emily Rogers: Um, in total it could be a little bit less if I'm feeling really clear about exactly the message I wanna send. If it doesn't flow immediately, I'll park it and come back to it, uh, later because there's no point in forcing something either. Um, and I do cheat a little bit at the moment, and I will take a blog post and put it into chat, GPT and say, could you create a [00:31:00] social media post with this?

[00:31:01] Emily Rogers: And then I edit that and, and use that. But, um, it's probably a two hour exercise and when I say, um, two hours, that's all loaded up, scheduled. All the social media, the newsletters scheduled, the blog post, the podcast, everything scheduled and ready to go. I don't look at it again. And I move on to the next thing.

[00:31:21] Emily Rogers: I think the key for me is knowing what I want to promote. So is it my coaching package? Is it my online course? What am I promoting? And if that's what I'm promoting, then what's the theme that's going to lead into it? What topics do I want to put tease out to, uh, promote that? And then what are the taglines I want to use?

[00:31:42] Emily Rogers: To, to the call to action to make that the priority or the, the freebie, the, you know, the, the, the lead magnet, the priority. Yeah. So I, if I, if I do that planning, the actual production piece is just, it's super fast because it flows really, really [00:32:00] quickly. But sometimes that planning phase can take me longer if I'm like, you know, when I was planning into the summer and beyond, I was planning.

[00:32:08] Emily Rogers: Um, you know, my, my coaching package through October, November. Then I was planning my masterclass that I've been promoting through, uh, January, February. You know, there was different top things that I was promoting, so I was thinking about the themes around that in advance and planning it and teasing it through.

[00:32:25] Amel Derragui: What I would call the marketing runway, and I think this is so, um, so just jo into the runway and going back to getting clarity on your goals, and that also creates ease to knowing what to do and therefore to being effective. The reason why most people are not effective is because they're not. Clear about their goals, but also not clear about what is their strategy.

[00:32:48] Amel Derragui: In your case, you have clarity on what is your marketing strategy and therefore it's easy for you to plan three, four months ahead because you know what packages you're gonna push, which time of the year, and therefore what is the [00:33:00] messaging that needs to lead to the sale of that offer. And that's how you create a marketing strategy that actually converts.

[00:33:07] Amel Derragui: I know that you also committed to investing in yourself and the work we did together to create the strategy. Yeah. And

[00:33:13] Emily Rogers: you know. The work we did together, Amel, that was truly the foundation for where I am now. You know, I, I can't underestimate how important having that foundation, you know, is the, the key questions you asked is, well, what do you want to do?

[00:33:31] Emily Rogers: How do you want to show up? You know, it's your choice. What does it look like for you? Having someone to ask those questions to make me dig deeper upfront. Means that now that foundation is good, it's solid, and I can play around. At the moment, I'm playing around with, well, you know, where could I go with a new lead magnet?

[00:33:52] Emily Rogers: What? What can I do here that might be really fun? Or what could that look like? I've got the energy and the head space to play [00:34:00] because the foundation is so solid, but it's working with someone

like yourself that knows the key pillars that I need to have in place. So that I can then say, okay, well now I've got them.

[00:34:13] Emily Rogers: I'm in control now. And so the last 12 months have been this growth journey for me, which I'm now seeing in my own clients, but I only have the ability to have that growth journey because of the work you and I did and getting those pillars right and holding my foundation in place. So that when Dad died, I could keep going when you know the girls are sick.

[00:34:34] Emily Rogers: I can keep going. When my mom is unwell and I can't get there, I can provide different support. Life happens. Mm. You know, I'm sorry. I'm gonna swear. Shit happens. It always will, but I can keep going 'cause I've got the foundation.

[00:34:49] Amel Derragui: What is it that you see most of the trend when you work with your clients for them to, when they're going through transition?

[00:34:56] Amel Derragui: All of this seems really hard, so I feel like transition is one of the [00:35:00] reasons why people get stuck, and sometimes they just get stuck in that transition and never move forward to the other side because of a lot of the elements that we talked about here. But what do you, what do you do to help your clients get unstuck in that transition so that they can actually move forward?

[00:35:18] Emily Rogers: They're pieces of the puzzle. When you can put those two pieces of the puzzle together, what are my strengths? What am I good at? What am I truly passionate about? Then that brings together your purpose, for want of a better word. So when I'm working with women and some men, getting those two pieces of the puzzle are absolutely crucial for.

[00:35:43] Emily Rogers: Any transition, whether it is they've moved country and they're starting again, whether it is returning to work, starting a business, rediscovering hobbies, you know, learning new skills. You can't do any of that until you know those two pieces of the puzzle and you can bring it to the [00:36:00] get to say, this is who I am and this is what it is for me.

[00:36:04] Emily Rogers: And so this spiral that we mentioned earlier of, of guilt and doubt. You know, is allows to take over. And when I say guilt and doubt, it's that, oh, I really shouldn't be doing this. I, you know, I, I really don't have time for this. Oh, I, my family really more important. Actually, the time's not right. You know, I, I can't afford to spend that money on myself.

[00:36:21] Emily Rogers: You know, we all go through that. But if you don't hear it and acknowledge it, and then say, actually I can spend that money on myself, actually, I can find 15 minutes for myself today. Actually, it is okay for me not to do this for my family, to do this for myself right now. And that's that we conversation that we've been having because I can't do everything.

[00:36:46] Emily Rogers: And so if you give yourself permission to say, okay, but I can, then you can actually start to really own who you are and where you wanna go. It is, it's not easy. It, I mean the, the steps [00:37:00] themselves are simple. I can put a roadmap out for you, but it's not easy because societal pressure and mindset, what we tell ourselves, imposter syndrome, these things are real.

[00:37:12] Emily Rogers: They show up for all of us every day. I just have the ability now to say no.

[00:37:20] Amel Derragui: Amen. Right. What is the best way to reach out to you if we're interested in having your help to go through the transition?

[00:37:27] Emily Rogers: Drop me an email, Emily, at the Leap to Lead.

[00:37:30] Amel Derragui: Thank you so much for sharing your precious insights. I hope that all of you, all of those who are listening, can really feel the passion you have for it, but also the connection that you have with making yourself a priority.

[00:37:41] Amel Derragui: I think this is the key message I'm learning from your insights. Is there anything else you wanna add before we slowly close this conversation?

[00:37:49] Emily Rogers: I just wanna say, don't be afraid to ask for help. You know, all of us, yourself, me, we all offer the opportunity to have a free call with us. If you are sit, [00:38:00] sitting there listening to this and you think I need to do something different, then reach out to Emel, reach out to myself there.

[00:38:06] Emily Rogers: Any of the other coaches, there's so many of us trying to support you and wanting to support you, and in many cases. A free clarity session, a free, a free strategy session is not, it's not gonna cost you anything, so let go of the fear and just ask for the help when, when, when you recognize that you need it.

[00:38:24] Emily Rogers: I love

[00:38:24] Amel Derragui: it. I will be putting all the information about Emily in the show notes of this episode You go to, the time is now dub biz slash three eight. There you'll find all the context of Emily. You'll also find the previous episodes of Emily if you're interested in her journey, because I do think that following the journey of somebody who is a couple steps ahead of you can actually inspire you in your own journey.

[00:38:48] Amel Derragui: And Emily's just like you and me, right? And if we've done it, you can do it as well. Last sentence, Emily. Uh, please fill out the blanks for me. The time is now to [00:39:00]

[00:39:00] Emily Rogers: own who you are and go for it. Love

[00:39:04] it.

[00:39:05] Amel Derragui: So I hope that you enjoyed this episode and, uh, don't hesitate to reach out to Emily. I look forward to meeting you in the next episode, and stay tuned to turn your challenges into great opportunities and create more growth, impact and alignment in your

[00:39:19] business.

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