The 3 steps for prioritizing your marketing activities

As a business owner, I know you have been told time and time again about the importance of marketing yourself and your services. But when your day-to-day operations require you to wear multiple hats, it can be hard to find the motivation to dedicate time solely to those marketing efforts.
Whether you are feeling overwhelmed, strapped for time or both, the consequence of neglecting to market your business is the same: a lack of growth and consistent revenue that makes your business vulnerable in the long run.
How can you make marketing a priority while being realistic?
This blog is a summary of the related podcast episode:
Click here to listen to the tips mentioned in this article.
To help you implement a marketing plan that works for you, your schedule, skillset and business, I recommend following these three steps:
Clarity is something I talk about a lot. Having clarity when it comes to your marketing strategy will help you avoid getting stuck or overthinking your efforts. That is why it is important to know exactly who your target audience is and what they are looking for as well as your position in the current market compared to your competitors. You also need to be clear on your visibility strategy, messaging, voice and content pillars so you know how best to communicate with your current customers and attract new ones.
Taking the time to really sit down and think about what will help you be consistent in your marketing activities is the first step to building the right systems to implement your strategy. Take a look at your calendar and see how you currently spend your time day to day, week to week. When it comes to marketing, what is working and what is not? From there, you can build a weekly schedule that is easier to stick to and then create a production system to turn those plans into a reality. Also, thanks to the wide range of online and AI tools, there is so much you can do to increase your productivity!
Although it is supposed to save you time, delegating tasks can feel daunting. You may struggle to justify the cost at first or have difficulty letting go of some responsibilities, but finding the right people and investing the time to train them properly will free up more of your time and mental bandwidth later on. One of the key things to remember is that consistency is more important than perfection. Set up the right systems to train and brief your team with the information they need, then trust your team, stick with your process and you will get where you want to go. If you need some further guidance on building a team, you can find more of my tips by clicking here and here.
Helping entrepreneurs build clear, meaningful strategies that align with their lifestyles and priorities is what I do. Schedule a free assessment call to figure out how I can support you: Click here.