TN61: How to start and grow a freelance business – Emily McGee

Freelancing is one of the best ways for expat partners to earn income, find flexibility and build a portable career.  I interview in this episode an expert in the field, Emily McGee to bring you some great tips and advice on how to start and grow a freelance business.  She shares her story on building sustainable business while moving from one country to another as an expat spouse.

“I found freelancing such a great way to keep taking care of my family, find flexibility and build my own identity beyond my husband.”

Emily started her career as a teacher. She met her husband when they were both Peace Corps volunteers in the South Pacific. She quit her first teaching job to follow her husband to various states of the US and then to Nairobi, Kenya. By the time Emily arrived in Nairobi, she realized one big fact we all can relate to:  she couldn’t keep looking for a new job and then quit every time they moved to a new place.  She needed a job that was portable and flexible.  So, she started doing freelance writing and found success. As she gained experience and knowledge about freelancing, she found her niche and focused on just writing standardized educational test questions.

Say yes! If they are going to take a chance on you. Take a chance on yourself.

Since her successful experience in Nairobi, she went back to the US where she took her freelancing business with her. Today, Emily lives in Maputo, Mozambique and continues to freelance.  She is also now helping other freelancers who want to build, as she calls it, an Adaptable Career.  She provides them with the guidance and knowledge they need to grow their business while keeping a sane quality of life.

Don’t miss the one thing Emily thinks is the key to success in a building a successful freelance business!

Some of Emily’s tips in this episode:

  • Start with signing up on freelancing platforms to find clients (like Upwork).
  • Define your niche and where you can bring value (Visit the Tandem Nomads blog for more tips).
  • Pitch to clients and show them you understand their unique problem and know how to fix it.
  • Learn from feedback and remain confident despite rejections.
  • It is a trial and error process, it takes times, be patient.

Online recommended resources:

Other questions discussed in this episode:

  • How to find the kind of services you can freelance.
  • How to create a freelance profile online.
  • How to find and approach clients.
  • How to define the right price.
  • How to grow a freelance business.
  • How to be efficient, productive and build a work life balance.

Find Emily McGee online and learn more about how to start and grow a freelance business:

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