TN52: Parents and TCKs Week – Best of series

This week’s best of series is dedicated to parents abroad and TCKs. You will find extracts with great tips about giving birth, raising and educating kids abroad, but also about building an identity and sense of home when being a TCK.

Giving birth abroad, TCK, expat midwife, the virtual midwife, mothers abroad, expat moms.

Karen Wilmot, interviewed in episode 40, is a midwife that created the fantastic concept of The Virtual Midwife. She brings online support for mothers who live far from their support system. She can additionnally offer VIP packages where she flies in once moms are close to giving birth and support them after birth. She also takes part in the first baby center launched in Oman, In this extract, she shares some powerful insights about the challenges and solutions for women who become moms and give birth far from their home, without any immediate available support system. There are also many more insights and some very practical tips about giving birth abroad that Karen shares in the full version of this episode, check it out on

In this extract, you will be able to hear the touching testimonial of a young mother abroad, Olga Mecking from episode 45. Olga has three children and is a writer, translator and journalist. She writes for a variety of publications about raising kids abroad, traveling and multiculturism. I also asked Olga to share with us her experience blogging and tell us what has helped her be successful at it, check out her great answers  and the full version of the interview with her on

european mama, mother abroad, expat mom, TCK, raising kids abroad.

TCK education, TCK schools, international schools, education abroad, expat kids education, TCK boarding schools, RNG International Consultants, RNG International.

Once the kids are no longer babies, there comes usually another set of challenges, especially when moving regularly from a country to another. In episode 18, I invited an expert on TCKs school education. Rebecca Grappo, the founder of RNG International Consultants, shares in this extract some great practical tips on how to make the best choices of schools and educational systems for TCKs. Rebecca also shares more insights and tips on TCKs education across the world but also on her own experience as an expat partner who managed to build a portable business. Do not miss her inspiring story on

Fast forward to later on when TCKs grow up, start becoming adults, building their identity and sense of home, there are two very interesting extracts on this topic.

Nicholla Henderson Hall was my first guest on Tandem Nomads! I am so grateful that she trusted me sharing her inspiring story! Nicholla is the founder and host The Learning Curve Podcast, a great podcast where she interviews inspiring women entrepreneurs in the Middle East. In this particular extract, I asked her about her biggest culture shock. It was really interesting to me how she related it with the challenge that I know a lot of TCKs experience when they go back to their passport country. In the full version of this first episode of Tandem Nomads, Nicholla also shares with us her journey as an expat spouse and how she used her natural talent and voice to build a portable business. Check out this episode where you will find all the information about Nicholla on

The Learning Curve Podcast, women entrepreneurs middle East, expat middle east, expat partner, expat spouse, TCK, living abroad, expat.

TCK, use your difference to make a difference, growing up abroad, expat kids, as told by nomads, uyd media.

I interviewed Tayo Rockson on episode 16 where he shares his journey growing up in 5 countries. Tayo is the founder of UYD media and the podcast show As Told by Nomads. In this extract, I selected some of his lessons from growing up in a constantly changing environment and how he decided “to use his difference to make a difference“. Tayo shares other great inspiration on the full version of this episode, check it out on

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