TN50: 50th Episode Voice Party!

I am truly humbled and filled with joy by all the messages I’ve received from listeners and past guests of Tandem Nomads. Thank you for sharing your insights and incredible support! Tandem Nomads wouldn’t exist without you.

Also, Tandem Nomads wouldn’t exist without all of you who are downloading on a daily basis Tandem Nomads podcast episodes and listening to these stories and tips from inspiring expat partners around the world. Thank you!

The 50th episode marks the end of the 1st season. The 2nd season of Tandem Nomads podcast episodes will start in September. However, you will still be able to listen to short episodes during the summer. Previous episodes will be revisited, with some “best offs”, and organized by theme for each week. So stay tuned during the summer to enjoy the little nuggets that you might have missed 😉

I can’t wait to continue this journey with you and continue to share ressources and inspiration to help you turn challenges into great opportunities and build your portable career!

In this voice party, I will take few minutes to share with you my future goals for Tandem Nomads. However, you will also hear the voices of these inspiring expat partners who share with you their insights from living abroad and their experience listening to Tandem Nomads episodes.

Here is the list of these lovely ladies <3 and their websites:

A. Patricia Ndefo

Once upon an expat, trailing spouse, expat partner, living abroad, expats.

Anna Sparks

career coach, trailing spouse, expat partner, living abroad, portable career.

Bérengère Ferrier

entrepreneur, expat entrepreneur, expat partner, expatriation, marketing agency, creavilia.

Cristina Pop

Life coach, trailing spouse, mother abroad, expat partner, coaching, blogging.

Doreen M Cumberford

trailing spouse, expat coach, living abroad.

Jennifer Langkjaer

parenting abroad, mother abroad, parents abroad, expat parents, expats.

Jodi Harris

expat coach, life coach, trailing spouse, expat partner, living abroad, expat, career abroad, portable career.

Katja Otter

expat partner, sharing seeds, trailing spouse, living abroad, yoga, yoga teacher.

Kirsten de Greling V.

expat coach, life coach, expat spouse, trailing spouse, expats, living abroad, globe trotter.

Latica Tomasic Kickert

Latica Tomasic Kickert

Lillian Smalls

the smalls abroad, blogger, trailing spouse, expat partner, expat spouse, living abroad, expats

Lisa Ferland

knocked up abroad, parents abroad, family abroad, trailing spouse, expat spouse, exportation, figt, families in global transition.

Marcelle Yeager

family abroad, career coach, expat coach, career abroad, living abroad, trailing spouse, military spouse, career valet.

Maria Gerrero

maria guerrero

Naomi Hattaway

I am Triangle, 8th Home, expat partner, trailing spouse, expatriation, relocation services, living abroad.

Rebecca Grappo

TCK education, trailing spouse, expat partner, living abroad, families abroad, figt, families in global transition.

Sandra Bissell

Expat joy, expat spouse, trailing spouse, coach, living abroad, families abroad, figt, families in Global Transition.

Sundae Bean

expat coach, life coach, career coach, living abroad, expat abroad, trailing spouse, expat spouse, expat partner.

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