TN36: How to build a career in your suitcase? With Jo Parfitt – Malaysia.

We can say that Jo Parfitt is an expert in building a portable career and portable businesses. While moving with her husband and kids from France, Dubai, Oman, Norway, the Netherlands and now Malaysia, she has become what I call a serial nomadpreneur. Jo is a journalist, editor, writer, speaker and teacher who has launched multiple business ventures that include the publishing company called Summertime Publishing, she also founded the Expat book shop, an online bookstore for expats. Jo has written over 30 books herself, and one her master peace is all about portable careers, the book is called “A career in your suitcase”.

Jo is also an active member of the FIGT (Families in Global Transitions) and previously managed the Parfitt Pascoe Writing Residency and mentored the beneficiaries of this scholarship.

Following this interview, I had the immense pleasure to meet Jo at the FIGT conference in Amsterdam. If you are interested in expatriation topics I highly recommend you to check out the FIGT website and join us at the next conference!

 Glimpse on Jo’s insights in this episode:

  • How she dealt with not having a visa that allowed her to work.
  • How she built, pursued and adapted each of her businesses from a country to another.
  • How she found partners and built a team to develop her businesses locally and globally.
  • How she build a powerful global and local network.
  • What was her first action plan in each new country.
  • What were the major factors of success of her “suitcase career”.
  • How she dealt with the challenges of change and some difficult times.

Get Jo Parfitt and Colleen Reichrath-Smith’s book, “A career in your suitcase” on Amazon. And, as mentioned by Jo in this episode, if you want to join the Career in your Suitcase network of trainers, contact Colleen here.

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