TN29: Marcelle Yeager, expat partner in Santiago, Chile.

Marcelle Yeager is American and lives in Chile. Prior to Chile, Marcelle and her husband also lived in Uzbekistan and Russia.

Marcelle’s background is in strategic communication. When she and her husband agreed to take the first assignment abroad that he was offered, she quit her promising career back home and started taking some jobs and doing some freelance work in Uzbekistan but very soon she launched her first business. Today, Marcelle manages two companies,  ServingTalent and Career Valet.  Servingtalent is specifically designed to help military spouses find a job and build their professional success while moving from a country to another. Career Valet helps people looking for a job perfect their resume and adapt it to their career goals. Marcelle also writes blog articles for US News about the topics related to building a successful career. 

Marcelle’s insights in this episode:

  • What has helped her make the decision to quite her job and go with her husband into this adventure.
  • How did she manage to fulfill her need to work and be active while relocating.
  • How she dealt with the pressure that exists in certain expat communities regarding working moms.

Marcelles’ book recommendation:

Overwhelmed: Hot wot Work, Love, and Play when no one has the time by Brigid Schultz. 

Find Marcelle Yeager:

Web Serving Talent:

Web Career Valet:

Blog articles: US News

LinkedIn: Marcelle Yeager

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