TN252: Riding a unique portable business to success – With Jaizel Selleslaghs

An expat horse and portable business owner walk into a new life. It sounds a bit like the beginning of a joke doesn’t it? Yet, it describes the amazing story of Jaizel Selleslaghs, a Dutch woman who moved to Peru with her husband and her horse and became a successful entrepreneur working with dressage riders around the world.

Jaizel is proof that you can build a successful portable business out of anything. In this episode she talks about how she started her business from her greatest passion and how consistency and planning have helped her to maintain her particular business niche.

“I think the most important thing is that you keep working on your business. When you don’t feel good about it, you want to quit, or you need a break, take your break, pack yourself together and continue again with your business.”

She also shares how important the Portable Business Accelerator™ course has been in developing her unique business and completely reinventing what is traditionally an in-person profession.

Jaizel Selleslaghs was born in The Netherlands and currently lives in Peru with her Belgian diplomat husband. Her biggest passion is horses – so much so that she moved her own horse from The Netherlands to Peru to continue their lives together.

While training horses in Peru and teaching horse riding to Peruvians, Jaizel also started her own portable business PLANtastic Dressage, in which she designs personalized training plans for dressage riders around the globe.


What you will learn:

  • How you can make a portable business out of anything!
  • How consistency, planning and following expert guidance help to develop your business fast.
  • First-hand experience of the benefits of the Portable Business Accelerator course

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