TN17: “Being away from the labor market made me forget my value.” Leen Abdel Jaber – Algiers

Leen Abdel Jaber comes from Jordan, she also lived in the FRANCE, in Egypt and today she lives in Algeria with her husband and 3 boys.

While traveling from a country to another with her family for her husband’s job, Leen spent the last decade as the founder and executive director of an NGO called INJAZ mobilizing the private sector and ministries of Education in Jordan, Egypt and Algeria to join forces in creating a new generation of business-minded youth who will become entrepreneurs and employees of choice for corporations. For instance, in the past 5 years, Leen’s efforts in Algeria led to reaching more than 6000 young Algerians across 9 cities and 20 universities and making more that 22 Algerian private companies participate to board of INJAZ and commit to empowering the youth in Algeria.

Glimpse on Leen’s insights in this episode:

  • How she lost sense of her value on the labor market after being away for just two years to take care of her child.
  • How she learned to capitalize on her skills rather than on her weaknesses (check out her book recommendation below!).
  • Why she thinks that her relationship with her husband and kids would have not been as strong as today if they didn’t live in expatriation.
  • How to build a successful NGO.

Leen’s habit in relocation:

  • Organization!

Leen’s book recommendation:

Find Leen Jaber:

Facebook: Injaz Al-Djazair




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