TN157: What expats do wrong when they plan their next move

Whenever a client or an organization approaches me to ask me to bring insights about how to prepare the next move, my alarm bell rings, because I think this is the #1 question that can lead to expat life major challenges.

“Most expats and organizations spend more energy on planning the logistical aspects of the relocation instead of figuring out how it fits to the big picture.”

Most expats and organizations that help expats prepare their move abroad are often focusing most of the energy on the short-term aspects. Here is what we need to focus on more in order to create a successful expatriation experience on the long run.

Build a Successful Portable Business

What You Will Learn

  • What has to change about the way expats plan their next move
  • What you should focus on instead when planning the next move
  • Why this is crucial for the success of your portable business

This episode is also available in a blog format:

  • Click here to find the article

Resources And Inspiration:

Finding and aligning with what you want:

Supporting your expat family on the move:

Making your business truly portable:

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