TN15: “You leave everything behind but you actually also take so much with you.” Katja Otter – Tokyo.

Katja Otter comes from Austria and lived in various countries such as the UAE, the US, South Korea and Japan. She currently lives in Tokyo with her husband and 3 kids.

She started her career in business consulting at the same time as her husband. When he got his first assignment abroad, they decided to go into this nomadic journey together and that she will look for job opportunities where ever they would go in the future. As she gave birth to her kids and moved from a country to another, she realized that it was not that easy for her to develop her corporate career. However, she also realized that it would be a great opportunity for her to dedicate her career to her growing passion for Yoga. She took the time to train to become a Yoga instructor and build her Yoga business, which gives her the flexibility and freedom to take care of her family and enjoy her nomadic life.

Glimpse on Katja’s insights in this episode:

  • How she went from a difficult culture shock in Japan to falling in love with the Japanese culture, music and language.
  • How she turned from a career in business consulting to being a Yoga instructor.
  • How she dealt with the challenges of rebuilding her life in every country she moved to.

Katja’s online ressources:


Katja’s book recommendations:

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