TN13: “Take the time to meet with the locals, there are amazing people everywhere.” Flor Taboada – New York

Flor Taboada comes from Spain and lived the passed 17 years in expatriation. She has been living in Italy, in the UK and moved few years ago to the US with her husband.

Her original training was in linguistics. She speaks Spanish, English, French and Italian. For many years she worked as a translator and interpreter. However, her true vocation started to slowly reveal itself when she began to get involved in Flower Essences, Meditation and healing in the early 90s. This was the beginning of Flor’s step by step inner transformation through many trainings that let her to become today a certified practitioner in healing touch and flower essences. Flor also volunteers as a Healing Touch Practitioner at the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge in New York City.

Healing touch and flower essences

Find your spiritual and physical balance!

If you would like to discover how healing touch and flower essences can help you find your balance, find relieve and relax, check out Flor’s website and feel free to contact her. 

Glimpse on Flor’s insights:

  • How she took the change as a great opportunity to achieve her long time dream.
  • How language was critical for her to thrive in her nomadic life.
  • How she deals with stressful transitions and change.
  • How she managed to adapt to new countries and new cultures.

We Also discussed the power of “Awe” (being mezmerized by things). I have read a very interesting article in the New York Times that was mentionning the results of a study that showed that the more people experience Awe, the more generous, grateful and happy they were! Find this article here and take the time to explore and let yourself be amazed by our world, our living environment and the people who surround us 🙂

Flor’s habits in relocation:

  • Yoga.
  • Meditation.
  • Self-healing touch and flower essences.

Flor’s recommended online resources:

  • Facebook
  • WhatsApp

Flor’s recommended books:

Find Flor Taboada:

Like her Facebook page! 


Help your expat friends who might need inspiration to turn the challenges of relocation into great opportunities.

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