TN126: Top 3 guest episodes in first part of 2019!

Here are the top 3 guest episodes of the first part of 2019!

Interestingly, they are all closely related to the journey of reinvention and building a strong identity while living on the move and creating your own source of growth and happiness!

From identity loss to a thriving portable business in sustainable energy – With Michael Ginsberg

reinventionMichael Ginsberg is a sustainability professional with expertise in green buildings, solar PV, energy policy, and government relations. He also serves as an energy management trainer and policy advisor for the U.S. Department of State on issues of energy diplomacy.

Through his firm, Mastering Green, he has advised the New York City Mayor’s Office of Sustainability and Long Term Planning and the UN Development Program on climate change adaptation measures in NYC and West Africa. Michael is also the author of Harness It: Renewable Energy Technologies and Project Development Models Transforming the Grid.

→ Click here to list to the full episode.

“To reinvent yourself, you need to think of yourself as being the center of your own life” Michael Ginsberg

Are you making conscious choices in your expat life? – With Katia Vlachos

reinventionKatia Vlachos is a researcher and policy analyst by training, with a Master’s from Harvard and a Ph.D. from the RAND Corporation. In the first chapter of her career, she worked for more than a decade as a researcher and defense analyst in the United States and Europe. In her second and current chapter, she followed her passion and built on her personal experience and extensive research to publish her book entitled A Great Move: Surviving and Thriving in Your Expat Assignment. Katia is also a co-active coach, trained at the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). She works with expats and globally mobile professionals at various stages of their transitions, including international moves, career change or relationship breakdown.

→ Click here to list to the full episode.

“It does not have to be only one conversation” Katia Vlachos

Who do you become during life, family and career transitions on the move? – with Jerry Jones

reinventionJerry Jones is an American Transition Specialist with Leadership Development International who lives with his wife and two children in Qingdao, China. He provides training and coaching for individuals, families, schools and companies who are wrestling through the challenges of life and work in a cross-cultural context. He also writes and develops resources designed specifically for the expat world. He loves to dig deep into the nuances of discovering joy and rhythm in the chaos of transition and change. His work can be found at The Culture Blend.

→ Click here to list to the full episode.


“During a challenging transition you do not always see the best version of you but you get to learn so much about yourself!” – Jerry Jones

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