TN122: How to embrace tech in your startup when you’re not tech savvy – With Nicole Blythe

If you have a great business idea that requires some coding and you are not a tech savvy, you might get discouraged and never launch it.

In this episode, you will get some great inspiration from Nicole Blyth who shares how she went from being a massage therapist with no knowledge in tech or coding to developing her own app designed to help expats settle in their new home.

You will also learn about the steps and tools that will help you build the foundations of a successful startup.

“If I could do it, you can do it too!”

Nicole Blyth is the founder of RelocateGuru a social network to share local tips and connect with your community before you arrive. After moving 16 times in her life she found it even more difficult when moving with a toddler for her husband’s job and wondered why it takes so long to organize a move and feel at home with all the technology we have available. So she dropped her career as a massage therapist, went back to university and got a Masters in International Marketing Management, and after winning several competitions and grants, then getting onto accelerator programs, she started creating the Relocate Guru app which is now live on the Apple store and google play.

What you will learn

  • What needs to be done before investing in the business
  • What are the tools and resources to build an app
  • How to find developers and coders
  • What to work and communicate with developers
  • Where to get funding

Resources and inspiration

Check out related podcast episodes and important info on the topic:

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