TN120: Creating impact with a social business and a global tribe – With Jannie Aasted Skov-Hansen

Never underestimate the power of community for your personal development and your business growth!

In this episode, you will discover the inspiring story and insights of Jannie Aasted Skov-Hansen, the founder of an amazing tribe of global nomads called Here We Are Global.

This episode will be particularly useful to you if you are looking to build a social business around a mission you truly believe in, it will also help trigger some ideas on how you can create a powerful tribe around your vision!

“If you have an idea, start somewhere. Don’t wait to have all the answers!”

However, this episode will also be interesting to you if:

  • You feel lonely in your search for career or purpose and are looking to connect locally with like-minded global nomads and expat spouses who are familiar with these challenges
  • You are a life or career coach and want to know how you can help this community with yourskills and grow your coaching business through this platform

Metaphor used by Jannie during the interview on creating the environment for a tribe to flourish.

Jannie Aasted Skov-Hansen is the founder of Here We Are global, a community of global professionals advancing the dual career opportunity. As a seasoned HR specialist, Jannie combined her insights from the corporate world, work and life experience as an expat partner in developing countries to develop mindful mobility solutions through Here We Are Global.

Since its beginning in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, this platform spans more than 18 countries and is gaining traction as the new go-to platform for travelling partners to develop personally and professionally while on the move. It is a network and consultancy offering real opportunities for accompanying partners to develop their skills set and uphold a professional identity while contributing locally. It is a social business as members help open opportunities to learn, work or volunteer and thereby create an ecosystem of global professionals.

What you will learn

  • What is this platform about and how it started
  • What are they key factors of success that allowed this platform to grow across the world
  • How to gather volunteers around a common vision
  • What mindset shifts need to happen to make it work on the long term
  • What are the practical systems to put in place to create sustainability
  • What are the potential business models that are considered to create revenue through this social business
  • How can you benefit from this platform and join this community

Resources and inspiration

Check out related podcast episodes and important info on the topic:

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