TN12: Working from home, pros and cons with Katja Tschoepe, Vienna.
This episode is about the advantages, disadvantages and solutions of working from home.
One of the biggest challenge for expat partners who move regularly from a country to another is managing to build a sustainable career and building financial independence. Finding a job or a small business that we can manage remotely and from home can be a great solution to continue working while moving from a country to another.
In the past 5 years, I have been myself working from home and managing my business in marketing and branding. I would prepare all the work from home and go out to meet my clients in their office or to meet new prospects in networking events. I found that this solution brings a lot of flexibly as we are in charge of our agendas and can switch from work to home management and private life in few minutes. However, it is also a solution that can be overwhelming or not stimulating enough to reach our professional goals.
Therefore, in this episode we will discuss some of the advantages, disadvantages and solutions of working from home. And to bring you to you an extra perspective, I brought to you a special guest, Katja Tschoeope, who has been working from home since 12 years!
Katja comes from Germany and moved with her husband and 2 daughters to Austria nearly 4 years ago. She was a public relations manager before she started her own business as a consultant in corporate communications specialized in strategy and communication controlling.

In this episode she shares with you a lot of great tips and insights that she learned from her personal experience working from home.
She also emphasized on the importance to build a strong partnership within the Tandem to be able to build your success as an expat partner. Among a lot of other insights, she will share with you how she managed to involve her husband in the process.
Know more about Katja and her services:
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