TN116: Who do you become during life, family and career transitions on the move? – with Jerry Jones

Going through transition and developing who we are in the mix of it!

Here is another great challenge that expats and global nomads need to learn how to deal with while living on the move, especially when taking care of a family and trying to grow a sustainable portable business.

In fact, there are so many questions, identity crisis and practical challenges that need to be addressed in order for us to make the best of this experience and adapt to all the different environments and cultures we get exposed to.

How do we build stability when everything around us is constantly changing?

“During a challenging transition you do not always see the best version of you but you get to learn so much about yourself!” – Jerry Jones

It was such a great pleasure to invite Jerry Jones to discuss this fascinating and important topic for expats.

Jerry Jones is an American Transition Specialist with Leadership Development International who lives with his wife and two children in Qingdao, China. He provides training and coaching for individuals, families, schools and companies who are wrestling through the challenges of life and work in a cross-cultural context. He also writes and develops resources designed specifically for the expat world. He loves to dig deep into the nuances of discovering joy and rhythm in the chaos of transition and change. His work can be found at

What you will learn

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The biggest challenges that expats struggle with during transition
  • How to overcome these challenges
  • The important things to be aware of before and during a transition period
  • Why it is critical to get cross-cultural training
  • Why cross-cultural training is not enough and how to deal with what can’t be learned through this method
  • How to support children across cultures and create strong family ties on the move.

Resources and inspiration:

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