TN108: From identity loss to a thriving portable business in sustainable energy – With Michael Ginsberg

When being an expat spouse, it can be quite challenging to continue a rewarding career, build confidence and a strong sense of identity while moving from one country to another. This is an issue that is specifically familiar to a lot of female spouses. You will see that it is not that different for some male spouses either.

Michael Ginsberg shares his inspiring journey of how he went from a deep loss of identity to reinventing himself and growing a successful portable business in renewable energy.

Michael Ginsberg is a sustainability professional with expertise in green buildings, solar PV, energy policy, and government relations. He also serves as an energy management trainer and policy advisor for the U.S. Department of State on issues of energy diplomacy.

“To reinvent yourself, you need to think of yourself as being the center of your own life”

In this episode, he shares with you how he went from searching jobs while moving from one country to another for his partner’s career abroad to creating his own consulting business in renewable energy.

Through his firm, Mastering Green, he has advised the New York City Mayor’s Office of Sustainability and Long Term Planning and the UN Development Program on climate change adaptation measures in NYC and West Africa.

Michael has managed government relations and business development efforts for government agencies, renewable energy firms, and non-profits, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Urban Green Energy, and World Learning. He holds a MS in Sustainability Management from the Columbia University and is a Certified Energy Manager, LEED AP O +M and NABCEP Solar PV Associate.

What you will learn

  • What Michael did to start his career and find jobs on the move
  • How he went from looking for a job to starting his business
  • How he managed to deal with the loss of identity and depression that he experienced at the beginning of his career journey abroad
  • How he got his first clients
  • How he turned a business that requires physical presence into a portable business
  • What to answer when people ask why he lives abroad and avoids making it about his spouse’s job
  • What is his business model and how he generates revenue
  • How did Michael grow his business on the move

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