TN102: Deep dive into the real-life journey of a successful business launch with Renata Andrade

What does it take to have a successful business launch and make revenue in one year?

Renata Andrade, has done exactly that and she shares how she did it step-by-step. She shares her many insights about what it takes to be a mom, an expat partner, manage a big move and still continue thriving in her business.

Renata is a global life coach who helps expat partners find their own purpose while following their partner’s careers around the world. She is also the co-creator and facilitator of Your Turn, a program designed for women who want to return to work. Her clients go from “I don’t know where to start” to having clarity, inspiration and a plan to follow.

Her coaching methodology combines over 15 years’ of professional experience as a Psychotherapist, Coach, Human Resources Executive and Consultant with an impressive academic background.

“What was holding me back was my though that my initial job was the only way for me to help people.” – Renata Andrade

As an expat partner and a mother herself, Renata understands first-hand the challenges of maintaining your own source of fulfillment while moving around the globe with your family. She’s learned that to know your purpose is truly to have a lighthouse on this international journey.

Originally from Brazil, about 1/3 Italian by blood and forever a Londoner by heart, after 4 wonderful years in Scarsdale, NY she’s just moved to Milan with her husband and 2 kids.

Sign up to download your free e-book to turn your business idea into revenue and impact and avoid the mistakes expat partners usually make.

What you will learn

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The steps needed to run a business during a major move
  • Her journey through a career transition and how she launched her business
  • How she learned to create a support system, manage her time and make her work a priority
  • The practical ways to implement the 3C™ system to start and grow a business

“Investing in my business changed the game for me.” – Renata Andrade

Highlights from the episode

  • About Renata and what brought her to this point (2min:40sec)
  • Things Renata would do different during her transition (7min:05min)
  • Her decision to change from psychotherapy to coaching (11min:15sec)
  • Once she got her coaching certificate, then what? (16min:33sec)
  • The steps she took to invest in herself (19min:19sec)
  • What kept her accountable and committed to her plan and schedule (25min:17min)
  • Real-life examples of how she implemented the 3C™ system (31min:13sec)
  • What she needed to make happen in order to create consistency in her business (34min:29min)
  • What helped her be more comfortable with online marketing, video and social media (40min:16min)
  • How she converted her efforts into customers and revenue (46min:35min)
  • Renata’s tips to get unstuck and find your own source of fulfillment (53min:32min)

Take Action Right Now

Sign up for this free E-book to learn how to “How to Turn your Business idea into Revenue and Impact

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