TN156: GDPR post 2018: What you need to know and do – With Bobby Klinck

When you grow a portable business and grow an online audience, growing your mailing list (list of people who sign up to your newsletter) is one of the top things you need to focus on.

However, you also must be aware of the EU regulations called GDPR (General Data Privacy Regulation) and your legal responsibilities to be compliant with the way you collect people’s emails and any other personal information.

After the first launch of the GDPR in 2018, there are now more tools and information to help online entrepreneurs to that effectively. However, it is still a vast topic and there are still some grey zones to figure out.

To discuss this topic and simplify where you need to focus, I am bringing to you a lawyer who is also an expert in online marketing strategies.

“Be very transparent about how you use people’s information and get their permission to do it. “

Get the key legal templates that will help you protect your business

DISCLAIMER: Anything we share in this episode should not be considered as legal advice, you need to do your own due diligence and check if this information applies to your specific case.

Bobby is a Harvard Law Grad turned Online Entrepreneur, but he’s not your typical lawyer! He speaks English (not legalese), he tells funny stories, makes fun of lawyers, uses wacky photos, and peppers in “dad jokes,” pop-culture references, and poop emojis.

He built a multi-six figure business selling legal templates to online entrepreneurs and in the process found his entrepreneurial superpowers… connecting with his fans at a deep level and writing addictive emails. The copywriters on his list tend to keep a “Bobby Swipe File” and one even called him one of the best email marketers in the business.

Nowadays, he helps online entrepreneurs build the badass businesses of their dreams… and make sure they’re protected along the way.

What you will learn

  • What the key things are that you need to know about GDPR
  • The safest way to collect and process emails from your mailing list
  • When you must have a data protection officer or a GDPR representative

Resources and inspiration:

Find Bobby online

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