TN240: Balancing parenting and business while growing visibility – With Tracy Oyekanmi

Balancing parenting with starting and growing your own business as a solopreneur is never easy. Add in a couple of international relocations AND a full-time job and it might seem impossible, but Tracy Oyekanmi is doing it all.

As a parent and an entrepreneur, Tracy has found ways to juggle family life, career and her passion for helping others develop their careers abroad. In this week’s episode, she shares her story as well as the tools and techniques she uses to grow growing her visibility and make her toddler a priority.

I had to be ruthlessly honest with myself on what I can do or what I can say yes to and what I had to cut back on or say no to.

Tracy is a Tech Communications professional with over a decade experience working with multicultural teams across Europe, Asia, The Middle East, and Africa. This exposed her to coaching C-Suite executives to adapt to their new environment.

Then, she experienced firsthand the realities of global mobility herself while combining a Graduate degree, having a baby and moving to 2 countries in 3 years that led her to understand both sides of the divide.

She is the host of Visible At Work Podcast where she shares actionable insights and brings guests with similar stories to discuss their unique experiences of working abroad. She offers intercultural training and career coaching solutions for foreign professionals to navigate workplace issues in a new country.

What you will learn:

  • How she manages her time and balances her private and business priorities
  • How she manages to be consistent with her marketing, grow visibility and attract more clients while being mindful of her energy
  • What online tools you can use to save time and increase efficiency

Resources and inspiration:

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