3 things your website has to have to support your business

Did you know that people who visit a website stay on the site for only 15 seconds on average? That means that if someone visits your site in search of information or a product they may want to buy, you have about 15 seconds to turn that visit into a potential customer.

It may seem like esthetics and visual layout are the most important attractors, but for serious customers, visual details are not the most important feature!

So what are the critical details that turn browsers into buyers? Here are three important features your website should have in order to support your business growth.

To find more details about each of these tips, listen to the related podcast episode

1. Explain in one glance the “who” and the “what”

Your site should answer two questions: Who is it for and what problem you solve?

These questions may have complex answers, but your website should keep the answers short and clear. With just one look, or a 15-second review, your website should explain what your company does or sells and why the visitors should get in touch.

To support this process, your domain name/URL should be short, relevant, and memorable. Your business name should also appear clearly on every page of your site. Visit websites such as Go Daddy to check availability and procure your chosen domain name before someone else grabs it!

2. Your website should support an effective funnel strategy.

Growing and engaging with your mailing list has to be the very core of your marketing strategy, especially if you’re traveling or living abroad and your business has to stay portable. The names on your mailing list are your most reliable leads, active customers, or supporters, and maintaining a dialogue with them should be a top priority.

I also invite you to check out an earlier episode in which I explain How to grow content that will grow your business

A “funnel” describes the step-by-step process that moves your audience from casual site visitors to buyers, and eventually to loyal repeat buyers. For every large group of people who visit your site for a quick review, a few of those will move to the next stage of the funnel. Your goal will be to keep as many visitors moving through the funnel as possible.

To attract those visitors into your funnel, make sure to offer on the homepage and at the end of each blog article – and on all pages as a matter of fact – an irresistible and truly valuable resource that they can download for free in exchange of their email. That is usually called a “freebie”, or “lead magnet” (in the episode 95 I share with you how to find what kind of free resource to create).

Use a pop-up window like PopupAlly on your homepage to increase the number of people who sign up to your free resource.

3. Show clearly where to find you and what is you offer.

  • Use your “about” page to generate interest! Know that your “About page” is NOT about you! Keep the focus on your customer, not on you. Here’s what this tip means.
  • Showcase clear descriptions of your products and services.
  • Always end the description of your products or services with a call to action! (ex: invite visitors to download your freebie).

Other important things to have on your website:

  • Make your Social media profiles immediately accessible.
  • Show “social proof”: add testimonials and the media/platforms where you have been featured or contributed to.
  • Insert your latest blog articles on your homepage (this can be set up automatically on your website’s host or template).
  • Pay attention to your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy and keywords to be found more easily on Google search. Make sure you track your website’s analytics with tools like Google Analytics and QuillEngage!

Click here to download your free website templates and converts your visitors into customers!

Here are some resources if you decided to build your site on your own:

  • Godaddy (to buy your domain name)
  • Bluehost (to host your website)
  • WordPress (to design your website difference between .com and .org)
  • Yoast (to manage your SEO).

Here’s a checklist of what you need to build a website.

Here’s a helpful resource you can use to find a web designer and/or graphic designer: 99Design

Take action now!